2025 VT/NH Joint Meeting

2025 Joint VT/NH Meeting

Friday, March 28th from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

8 PDH (Pending) for Vermont
2 CEU (Approved) for New Hampshire


Friday, March 28th

  • 7:30-8:00 AM   Registration / Breakfast / Welcome
  • 8:00-Noon        Rick Kfoury - Boston & Maine Right-of-way through the Years
  • Noon-1:00        PM Lunch
  • 1:00-1:30 PM    Joint Business Meeting
  • 1:30-3:00 PM    Panel Discussion on Young Surveyors
  • 3:00-3:30 PM    Networking Social/Break (1st drink free)
  • 3:30-5:00 PM    Ray Hintz - University of Maine Surveyors Program
  • 5:00 PM             Wrap-up

Seminar Descriptions

Boston & Maine Right-of-way through the Years

The Boston & Maine Railroad was the dominant railroad company in much of New England for over a century. In this presentation, we'll examine "railroad fever" and the construction of the predecessor railroads that eventually made up the B&M system. We'll follow the B&M through the 20th century and the rise of tourism, and the railroad's general decline following World War II. We'll also examine the legacy of the Boston & Maine as it survives today in the form of modern railroads and heritage operations. 

Panel Discussion on Young Surveyors

This hour and a half panel on young surveyors is meant to spur a discussion on aspects of attracting and keeping young folks involved in the land surveying profession. The panel will discuss different methods of how the industry could be more appealing to younger people. The panel will converse on the available career paths available to an inspiring surveyor and the difficulties associated with obtaining credentials along those paths. Lastly the panel aims to discuss the importance of mentorship to young individuals, licensed professionals, and business owners. 

The University of Maine Surveying Program

The University of Maine Surveying Engineering Technology (SVT) program started an online masters program in 2015, followed it with the online BS degree in 2018, and an online undergrad certificate in 2020.  An online doctorate degree in surveying is near the end of the university approval process and hopes to begin fall 2024.  Enrollment in 2024 across all options exceeds 350 surveying students from 40+ states and 3 countries.


The principles applied in an online approach to surveying education will be demonstrated including how practicing land surveyors can contribute as mentors.  The concept of transferring courses is an important discussion as most students went elsewhere to school previously and often not in a surveying focus.  Successful integration of a student taking classes while working part or full time is an important consideration.   The “e tuition” approach to an economic effective cost in education is demonstrated.


Considering this approach to education is in its infancy,  the presentation will next look to futuristic approaches to educational needs in surveying education.  The future relation of education and licensure needs to be examined.  The presentation will be very question and answer oriented.


  • Rick-Kfoury

    Rick Kfoury

    Rick Kfoury is a railroad historian and author with an express interest in New England railroading in the second half of the twentieth century. He has authored four books on the subject, "The New England Southern Railroad Volumes I and II", "Queen City Rails: Manchester's Railroads 1965-1990", and "Steam Trains of Yesteryear: The Monadnock, Steamtown & Northern Story". A 2018 graduate of the Keene State College history program, Rick currently serves as President and Newsletter Editor for the Boston & Maine Railroad Historical Society and is employed in college admissions for Southern New Hampshire University.

  • Ray-Hintz-photo

    Ray Hintz

    Ray is a professional land surveyor (FL, ME) who focuses his practice on data collection. He is the author of several surveying software programs used by approximately 25 department of transportations and their consultants.  Ray is a member of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, the Maine Society of Land Surveyors, and the Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers.  Ray currently teaches three to four courses a semester at the University of Maine — from basic surveying to photogrammetry. He is an article reviewer for several professional publications and helps prepare exams for photogrammetry certification.

Panel Members

Moderator - Eric Salovitch

Eric (NH LLS #1052) graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Surveying and Mapping Civil Technology Degree in 2010.  He is the President and CEO of Northam Survey, LLC established in 2021.  He is a Licensed Land Surveyor in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts.  Eric is the former Chair and co-founder of the New Hampshire Young Surveyors Committee.  Eric is Past President of the Association serving as the 54th President!


  • Rachel Dearborn - CT
  • Megan Jones - NH
  • Stefan Wollmar - NH
  • Jonathan Norwood - VT
  • More panelists coming soon ...
Full Member $280.00
Associate/Affiliate Member / Technical Staff $125.00
Life Member $225.00
Group Rate (3+ with at least 1 member) 20% discount
Non-member $425.00
Student Member $75.00
* $35 late fee after March 6th / Members must be in good standing

Register Online

Register by Mail

If you are mailing a check, make it payable to:  VSLS

Mail to: VSLS, PO Box 99, East Montpelier, VT 05651

Hilton Garden Inn Hanover Lebanon
35 Labombard Road
Lebanon, NH 03766


We have a small room block at the Hilton Garden Inn.  Rooms are $179/night (not including taxes/fees).

Book Now!

There is ample paved parking at the venue

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